Beginners guide to SEO friendly web design & structure

First thoughts about SEO friendly web design  As a website developer it’s your job to create a site that works well and looks great. Designers have a slightly different brief; all they need to do is create a site that looks great. Is it possible that an over designed site, heavy with flash animation, could […]

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How do subdomains and subdirectories impact SEO?

The ‘subdomains Vs subdirectories’ debate has been raging in SEO circles for years and it looks like there’s still plenty of life left in the fight. The truth is that both have advantages and disadvantages and neither will have any great bearing on the success of your SEO campaign. However, it’s often said that ‘knowledge […]

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Why frames don’t work for SEO

Frames and search engines don’t get along, and if you are in any doubt just look at the cached version of any site built using frames. Frames are used by programmers to display a number of HTML documents at the same time. They allow visitors to action one element of a webpage (such as scrolling […]

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