Why Google’s hitting out at sites that aren’t secure
website security update

Google doesn’t often make edicts telling webmasters how to behave, instead preferring to take a more soft-footed approach to complete coercion. In fact, much of a digital marketer’s day is spent reading between the lines and searching for crumbs of information that have been dropped accidentally (and ‘yes’ that even means keeping on top of […]

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What are the best SEO resources? Tips from the top

Search Engine Optimisation is a fast-changing industry, and to stay at the top of the results you need to stay on top of what’s going on. Luckily there are plenty of people willing to lend a helping hand; you have just got to know where to find them. Whether you are a webmaster toiling away […]

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How to find a good SEO company

SEO is a fast-paced game and it’s important to understand that you aren’t just playing against the visible online competition, you’re also playing Google. And just look at what a team they have got! You are up against hundreds of PhDs trained in the Googleplex with a turnover that rivals the GDP of most developing […]

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Bluffers guide to the Google story and SEO

Google’s humble beginnigs In little over two decades Google has grown from a college side-project to become the world’s favourite search engine. Today Google is valued in the billions and its shares are some of the best performing on the trading floor. But Google isn’t just a story of financial success; it’s their results that […]

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SEO glossary: part three L-R

With Part One and Part Two of our SEO Glossary already under your belt the world of digital marketing should be beginning to make more sense. And the good news is that the end is in sight as the wordsmiths at the web project whizz through the alphabet from L-R: Landing page The web page where a user arrives (or […]

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SEO terminology explained: part four S-Z

One last helping of digital marketing mumbo jumbo and by now you should be sounding like a seasoned professional. If you’ve just arrived you can find the rest of the web project’s guide to deciphering SEO terminology split into three bite-sized chunks here: One Two & Three. We have tried to cover all the basics, but as both SEO […]

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