Why Google’s hitting out at sites that aren’t secure
website security update

Google doesn’t often make edicts telling webmasters how to behave, instead preferring to take a more soft-footed approach to complete coercion. In fact, much of a digital marketer’s day is spent reading between the lines and searching for crumbs of information that have been dropped accidentally (and ‘yes’ that even means keeping on top of […]

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How to create a SEO Friendly URL structure

Almost everything you do on your site, right down to how you name your files, can influence your ranking. Remember that Google ranks each page of your website separately, rather than evaluating the site as whole, and since your file and folder names are the first thing Google encounters on each page, you need to […]

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How do subdomains and subdirectories impact SEO?

The ‘subdomains Vs subdirectories’ debate has been raging in SEO circles for years and it looks like there’s still plenty of life left in the fight. The truth is that both have advantages and disadvantages and neither will have any great bearing on the success of your SEO campaign. However, it’s often said that ‘knowledge […]

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Why xml sitemaps are essential for SEO

Navigational sitemaps & SEO A site map is effectively the ‘contents’ section of a website, it’s designed to help visitors navigate through your site by providing a clear hierarchy of links to each page. By definition a sitemap needs to be simple and easy to follow. Site maps can also be of real value to […]

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Using robots.txt to block search engines for SEO

SEO is all about making your web pages more accessible to the search engines, but there are times when you want to keep the search engines at bay. Perhaps you don’t want to broadcast a poor company report or maybe you don’t want Google’s spiders to find duplicate content or pages under construction. And this […]

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